Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Masuk macam pencuri, keluar macam pencuri

Are we losing our common decency?

About a month ago, my brother brought in a friend to stay in our house. Said it was temporary. Fine. After all, we did have an empty room.

Brother told me on a Saturday. Friend came in the next day. But the guy didn’t even introduce himself. Just unloaded his stuff in the house and buggered off for the night.

That’s like saying, “I got this room and this parking space because of your brother. You do not matter.”

Still, I decided to give him the benefit of a doubt. Maybe he was shy.

A week passed by. Then two weeks. I still didn’t know this guy’s name or where he’s from or what he does.

It didn’t help that we had very minimal contact becos he does what many young Malay guys do: sleep during the day and go out at night.

Then one night last week, I caught him loading some of his stuff into his car, with someone he called his girlfriend waiting in the car.

A few days later, brother told me friend had left. Said he had found a new place to stay.

No thank you, no goodbye, nothing whatsoever.

As the person who helps keep the household running, I couldn't help feeling a little upset especially since I paid for his electricity and water and the occasional cooked food.

He came in like a thief and he left like a thief.


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